Monday, March 18, 2019

Favorite Movie is Halloween!

I have to say I like a good scare! And one of the scariest movies I have seen recently was a favorite named Halloween 2018! It is the latest Halloween movie sequel to the original one from way back in 1978. It is interesting to note that the original actress in the first one, Jamie Lee Curtis, is also the hero in this new one. The movie gives a bit of the back story to the original characters and story so if you have never seen the original it is still enjoyable and scary! I like horror movies because they are very suspenseful and shocking to the senses. And like I said I enjoy a good scare and I think most people do despite what they say. Why else are ghost and Aswang stories so popular in our culture? This movie satisfies the craving for a good and complete scare from start to finish. Although very graphic and violent I highly recommend the movie to those who have the stomach for it. The hero prevails in the end and kills the psycho killer so we can all sleep well at night and never fear Michael, the killer, will show up at our doorstep on a dark Halloween night! 

Bullying Interview

1. How did the bullying start? And what was the reason for being bullied?

There was an older boy who was a new transfer to our school. He liked to pick on the younger classmates because he was much bigger than them. And he liked to intimidate them. He started to pick on me also and calling me "fat" and "Baboy" and made snorting sounds like a pig whenever he saw me.

2. How did the bullying make you feel?

Well, it made me feel scared, depressed and lonely. I felt surrounded and all alone.

3. What did you do about the bullying?

At first, I didn't know what to do. Because it really hurt my feelings when he began bullying me and everyone started to join in with him too and making fun of me. And nobody wanted to help me.

4. Did you tell anyone about the bullying?

No, not at first. I was too ashamed and didn't know who to turn to.

5. How long did you keep this to yourself?

For several months then I decided to tell my parents what was happening to me. Because I couldn't take it anymore and was feeling very sad and angry.

6. How did your parents react and what did they do?

They were quite saddened and then angry about the situation I was going through. They wanted to know why I didn't tell them sooner. They told me I should try to just ignore the bullying. They said kids are always teasing each other and that was part of growing up and I should develop a thicker skin.

7. What was your reaction to your parents advice?

I was really upset at them because I felt they didn't understand what I was going through. But I told them it was happening everyday and getting worse. Even the teachers weren't helping and ignoring it and failed to stop it.

8. What did your parents then do?

They were really upset about the teachers not stopping the bullying. They then promised to talk with the Principal and my teacher.

9. What happened after your parents spoke with them?

At first, the bullying got worse. Because all the kids that were bullying me were mad because I told on them. They called me a rat and started to get physical and push me down on the ground.

10. What happened after the bullying got worse?

Well, I was really in fear because now they were beating me up so I had to defend myself and started fighting back. I kept on getting into fights every day. And then one day another older boy began to help me and began to push back on the other kids to try to stop them from bothering me.

11. What about the older classmate who started the bullying in the first place? Did he stop?

No, he still did it for awhile but then my new friend got into a fight with him and knocked him down to the ground. The teachers finally saw this happening and stopped the fight. The bully got expelled from our school and my friend was suspended also. I stood up for my friend because he was just defending me so that was why they only suspended him.

12. So the bullying finally stopped?

Yes, but it was gradual at first. The teachers were in better control of the students and were strict more than ever in regards to students bullying one another. Also the students who originally joined in the bullying of me started to respect me more because I didn't back down from them any longer.

13. What advice would you give to others who are experiencing bullying at their school?

I would tell them not to be afraid and stand up for yourself and don't let them intimidate you. I would also tell them not to hold this in or keep it to themselves. Because the pain and sadness will tear away at your heart and it could possibly lead to suicide to end the pain. Tell someone as soon as possible. Either a trusted teacher or your parents. And never give up. You are better than what these bullies tell you.

Under The Sea Review And Thoughts.

After watching the Under The Sea documentary I was very impressed by the underwater scenery and cinematography. It must have been very painstaking to capture all the sea life in its natural setting. And to wait for all the fish to lay-in-wait to capture their meals! It is amazing to see how much sea life there is and such a colorful variety! There is still a lot of things in the ocean that are yet undiscovered and so alien to us that we don't realize they are there and must be protected. The coral reefs are another living thing that are amazingly colorful to see and they also must be protected.  Many people don't give a second thought as to life in the sea and dump much plastic and garbage into the ocean without a second thought or concern. This can only be changed with education about the damages our trash can do to sea life. After all, many people depend on the ocean and its sea life for their livelihood. And of course, millions of us love to eat fresh seafood! Yet if we continue to regard our ocean resources as something that will always be there we will soon find out the sea life we depend on so much will no longer be there for us to enjoy. We must take steps as individuals and as nations to insure we will always have this precious resource that the ocean's sea life calls home. 

Travel Memoir To Subic Bay!!!

Our family loves to go to Subic Bay, Zambales. Lots of fun activities and swim in the ocean! It is an easy drive from here in Angeles on SCTEX to Zambales. Even the drive is scenic and it only takes about 50 minutes. As I said there are many activities from swimming to the Ocean Adventure Park where you can see and play with the dolphins! Passing through Subic Bay there is a wide choice of restaurants and hotels/resorts to spend your day. We always like to go to Baloy beach to swim in the ocean because of its relaxing atmosphere and quiet place to stay. 

Favorite Place Has Got To Be Magic Mountain!!!!!

One of my most favorite places here locally has got to be Magic Mountain! For those who may have never heard of this fun place it is located in the hills just off Clark Economic Zone in Sitio Kable Brgy, Mabalacat. It is very easy to get there by car or motor. The first thing you notice when you get there is the fresh air and surrounding view of Clark and the mountains. They have many fun activities for the enjoyment of the whole family. From Archery to Go-Kart riding. They also have camping and a zip line to ride. For hot days they have a huge pool to swim and relax in. If you're hungry they have a wonderful snack bar with very tasty food and beverages. One can enjoy the whole day with family and friends with so many activities to do. And if you are there at the end of the day it cools down considerably from the heat of the day and it is very relaxing to eat a meal with the family and wind down from all your activities!