Monday, March 18, 2019

Under The Sea Review And Thoughts.

After watching the Under The Sea documentary I was very impressed by the underwater scenery and cinematography. It must have been very painstaking to capture all the sea life in its natural setting. And to wait for all the fish to lay-in-wait to capture their meals! It is amazing to see how much sea life there is and such a colorful variety! There is still a lot of things in the ocean that are yet undiscovered and so alien to us that we don't realize they are there and must be protected. The coral reefs are another living thing that are amazingly colorful to see and they also must be protected.  Many people don't give a second thought as to life in the sea and dump much plastic and garbage into the ocean without a second thought or concern. This can only be changed with education about the damages our trash can do to sea life. After all, many people depend on the ocean and its sea life for their livelihood. And of course, millions of us love to eat fresh seafood! Yet if we continue to regard our ocean resources as something that will always be there we will soon find out the sea life we depend on so much will no longer be there for us to enjoy. We must take steps as individuals and as nations to insure we will always have this precious resource that the ocean's sea life calls home. 

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